Into Darkness Desire (2019)

I have an unsatisfied desire to walk down alleys where others don’t, to open doors with signs that say “Not For Everyone”

2021 Into Darkness comp A.jpg
2021 Into Darkness comp B.jpg

A selection from the book is below. Click to move through the pages.

Forest Book (2011)

A book project composed with images i made, with a few words by others. Completed 2011.

Midway upon the journey of our life

I found myself within a forest dark

For the straightforward path had been lost.

I cannot well repeat how there I entered,

So full was I of slumber at the moment

In which I abandoned the true way.

2011 Forest_comp_A1.jpg
2011 Forest_comp_B2.jpg

A edited compendium of the work is below. Click to scroll through the pages.